

This Sunday, Pastor Adam focused on the importance of scripture in our lives.   In our busy life, scripture brings of closer to our Father, keeps us nearer to Him, and remains a part of our firm foundation in Him.  As followers of Christ, it is up to us to have scripture a part of our lives, like Jesus did.  God gave us these words not only to live by, but to read, memorize and meditate on. 



This Sunday, elder David Sanchez shared about the importance of solitude.  David shared that “solitude is a healthy, personal discipline that allows you to engage in a meaningful time of reflection alone with God.”  Solitude is not the same as loneliness and can be experienced in so many different ways. 

God Never Said That

God Never Said That

This week, we are featuring a post from the past, from our God Never Said That series, initially posted in October of 2018.

Pastor Adam continued in our series about things we hear and might assume are in scripture, but often are not. Also, sometimes we hear something close to correct, but not exactly right and it can skew our entire theology and understanding of God and our circumstances.