
This week's teaching was brought by Billy Nunez, father of our worship leader, Josh, and long time pastor and follower of Jesus.

A lot of who we are is because of the investment and heritage of our parents.  There were numerous generations of Nunez' in the service today.  Keep praying and trusting as you raise your kids because God is writing a story and it isn't finished yet. 

God is beyond time and knows the end at the beginning. We live in the circumstances of "now" and sometimes only see waves and wind and a stormy seas. But just like in the boat with the disciples, Jesus knows it is okay to rest because God is in control. 

INVITATION:  Your story is not finished. The stories of your children's lives are not finished.  Can you place your trust into the hands of a good and loving God this week? 

MONDAY:  Psalm 56:8:  God sees your tears.  There is a theme throughout scripture that suffering will be redeemed (Romans 8:28).  Do you believe that?  How might that help you today?  Maybe this hour?  What might you pray about today and trust into God's hands and care and let go of thinking you must carry the load?

TUESDAY:  Matthew 13:31-32:  Do you feel small and  insignificant today?  Are these verses an encouragement for you today?  Is there an invitation from God to you through these verses? 

WEDNESDAY:  Matthew 1:23:  Immanuel means God with us.  God IS with you today.  How might you pray as you begin your day knowing God is with you?  How might you go about your day and interactions?  How might you talk to God all day knowing He is with you and will not leave you? 

THURSDAY:  Luke 19:40  & Numbers 22:28:  Billy Nunez gave portions of his journey in ministry and spoke about a time when things were not going well and there were many ministry hurts. He was feeling depressed, and burned out. He is usually a "glass half full" person so he resisted getting help for a long time.  He finally went to counseling where he learned about suppressed anger and how it was seeping out into his life and ministry.  God impressed upon him "I love YOU more than I love your ministry."  Is there an area of resistance in your life?  Perhaps such as counseling and getting help was for Billy?  Have you ever thought of looking at those areas with God?  Are there any areas in your life (or ministry) where you might be doing things FOR God rather than simply being WITH God?  God wants YOU.  He doesn't need your skills and talents. He can call on the very stones to cry out and He can make donkeys talk if he needs to.  As it turns out, God used this time of "running away" from ministry and resisting counseling to bring Billy to healing and renewal in his life and ministry. 

FRIDAY:  Jeremiah 29:11:  You were born in this time and place for a reason. You are not an accident.  Again, God sees the entire story.  Future means "A good ending."  YOU have a future - no matter what it might feel like today.  Billy mentioned three points from this verse:  1) God has a plan 2) God has a strategy; 3) God has a prize.  Can you trust God with your future and the plans for your life?  Which of these three points is most encouraging for you today and how might you pray from it?

SATURDAY:  A favorite saying of mine often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi reads, “Preach the gospel at all times and if necessary, use words.”   What "sermon" might your life bring into this day and this week?