In the Beginning

We began our series on John today.  The book of John was written in approximately 80-90 AD and was the last gospel written. 

John did not include the nativity story in his gospel; instead, he introduced his book by going back even further into history. Invoking the “in the beginning” language of Genesis 1:1. John made a direct link between the nature of God and the nature of the Word, Jesus Christ. The emphasis on the deity of Christ is a striking quality of John’s gospel. It also comes through clearly elsewhere in the book as Jesus claimed the divine name—“I am”—for Himself, which led an angry mob of Jews to try and kill Him for blasphemy.

INVITATION:  This week we do a deep dive into the mystery of Jesus being both deity AND human.  To fully understand the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ, we must be able to embrace the both/and of Jesus being God and also being fully human. 

MONDAY:  John 20::30-31:  John gives the big picture purpose of his gospel at the end of the book: Jesus IS the Messiah. We must embrace this to be equipped for the mission of being a representative of the gospel here on earth.  Have you embraced this truth in your life?  If not, how might you pray about this and ask for divine help?  Perhaps you will consider the scriptural prayer:  "I believe. Help my unbelief?"  (Mark 9:24).  God can handle your areas of unbelief.  What do you think your resistance is?  Do you think God can overcome that resistance?  Have you ever thought to enter into your areas of resistance with the help of the Holy Spirit?

TUESDAY:  John 1:1:  Jesus IS God.  Not just with God.  Pastor Adam mentioned that Jesus is the mouthpiece of God to humanity.  You are invited to spend some time today contemplating that you have full access to God through and because of Jesus Christ.  How does that make you feel about prayer? How does that make you feel abut Scripture?

WEDNESDAY:  John 1:-5:  John seems to write with urgency for us to understand the deity of Jesus Christ.  He was not simply a human good teacher.  C.S. Lewis stated, "That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher ... You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse."    Who do YOU say that Jesus Christ is/was? 

THURSDAY:  Col. 1:15-20 & John 14:6:   The Colossians verses are a good description of the Word, but what does that have to do with "real" life in the here and now?   It means that good intentions, or being a good person, or having good vibes or karma is not enough and does not sustain.  Whether or not you choose to admit it, you and I are sinners. The wages of sin is death.  There is no way toward reconciliation with God other than through His son, Jesus Christ.  The gospel is called the "good news" (that is what the word gospel means) because the cost of sin is death, and your penalty has already been paid by Jesus.  You do not have to earn or do anything.  That is good news! Have you accepted and appropriated this free gift into your heart and life yet?  What better time is there than now?  If you feel a stirring about this, you are encouraged to say a prayer letting Jesus know how you feel and what your desire is.  Don't worry about your wording or how it feels/sounds. Jesus knows and sees your heart! 

FRIDAY:  John 1:14 & Hebrews 4:14-16:    In The Message, the John verse reads as follows:

The Word became flesh and blood,

    and moved into the neighborhood.

We saw the glory with our own eyes,

    the one-of-a-kind glory,

    like Father, like Son,

Generous inside and out,

    true from start to finish.

Jesus is personal. He is not unaware and unfamiliar with what is going on in your neighborhood. In your house. At your job. In your heart.  What would you like to talk about to God about today?   You can come to the "throne of grace with confidence."   You are encouraged to confidently pray about your needs, wants and desires today. 

SATURDAY:  Luke 15:  Jesus tells three stories to the super religious folks who think he is hanging out with the wrong crowd.  Pastor Adam stressed that God is NOT a magic genie waiting to give us a magic filled life where nothing goes wrong.  He came to make us HOLY.  Do you desire holiness in your life? 

Approximately 2000 years ago in church history, there was a statement written to help us remember and understand who/what Jesus is and that He is both God and human.  It is called the Apostles Creed.  It is below.  What resonates with you today?  Might this be a good prayer/statement to include in your spiritual practices? 

I believe in God, the Father almighty, 

Creator of heaven and earth,

and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate,

was crucified, died and was buried;

he descended into hell;

on the third day he rose again from the dead;

he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;

from there he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic* Church,

the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection of the body,

and life everlasting.


*Universal Church (not referring to Roman Catholic)