Christmas Future

Some of the sentiments often expressed surrounding Christmas are:  good news;  great joy;  fa-la-la-la-la; the most wonderful time of the year, etc.  However, our culture and times  are full of brokenness and uncertainty.  The culture and times surrounding the birth of Jesus were also full of uncertainty and even terrifying.  Just like in the world today.

Mary has a visitation from an angel letting her know she will become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. The angel was likely terrifying enough, but the news was enough to put Mary in a tail-spin. Then, even after the baby Jesus is born, there was no getting a nursery ready or "nesting" for the new parents. Mary and Joseph had to run for their life as King Herod had a decree issued to exterminate all boys under the age of two years old.  Can you imagine how much unrest that caused for the new parents?  They headed toward Egypt, likely looking over their shoulders the entire time.

Our culture and  world is replete with chaos, trauma, fear and uncertainty. Jesus had all that as well.  From the very day he was born.

INVITATION:  This week we explore how the prophet Micah told of the both/and kingdom of Jesus Christ.  Jesus would be the ruler and the shepherd.

MONDAY:  Micah 5:2-3:  Micah described a future deliverer who will once and for all time restore Judah to its rightful place among the nations. However, this promise would need to be passed from generation to generation because it would not happen for another 700 years.  People likely had a hard time hanging on to hope.  How is your hope? What are you placing your hope in these days?  Is it becoming weak?  How might you pray about that?

TUESDAY:  Micah 5:4-5:  This verse gives a description of the coming Messiah as a shepherd.  Notice in verse 2 the description is a "ruler over Israel."  This One to come is both a ruler AND a shepherd. Both/and.  Notice also this verse gives a position of standing.  Jesus came to STAND on your behalf and on my behalf.  Because of this, we can be at peace. He stands so we can sit. He is our ruler, our shepherd and our security.  The cross was the ultimate standing on our behalf.  How are you at looking to Jesus for your peace?  He has proven once and for all He is our advocate:  He stands for us as ruler and shepherd. How can you trust in this leader more today and this week? 

WEDNESDAY:  Mark 16:19:  Jesus finished the job he was born for and standing to do. He now sits because "it is finished."   How can you make the finished work of Jesus personal in your life?

THURSDAY:  Hebrews 10:11-12 :  Today you are invited to pray with and ponder the WHY surrounding Jesus sitting.

FRIDAY:  Luke 1:31-33:  Peace is sometimes hard to grasp. We live in a broken world. In broken families and broken churches.  The waiting for this "kingdom that will never end" is hard. However, we have the Holy Spirit, unlike the prophets of old. How might you ask the Holy Spirit for help and peace today?  Be personal. We serve a personal God who knows and cares for you, personally.

SATURDAY:  Revelation 5:1, 6 & Rev. 22-12-13:  At the second coming, divinity will be unveiled. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess that HE IS LORD.  Spend some time in these verses today imagining eternity with your shepherd and king.