
We love to despise Judas. After all, he is the one who sold Jesus out to be crucified. This occurred even after he walked, talked and got to know and travel with Jesus over time. He even saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead. How could Judas do such a thing?

But are we really all that different from Judas in our own personal faith journey? Does that offend you at face value? Though Judas followed Jesus, he never really truly believed. The kind of belief that comes from the inside out. The kind of belief that causes change and the desire to adjust your life. Judas paid lip service but had no heart service.

In the USA, around 63% of American self identify as Christians (and the number is declining). Interestingly, the label "Christian" is one Jesus never used.  He said, "Whoever wants to be my apprentice"...not "Whoever wants to put their hand up to become a Christian."  The word Christian is used only three times in the New Testament. The word disciple (or apprentice) is used 269 times (From "Practicing the Way" by John Mark Comer).  

If an apprentice is simply anyone whose ultimate aim is to be with Jesus in order to become like him and live the way Jesus would live if he were in their shoes, then a non-apprentice (whether atheist, another religion, or even a Christian) is simply anyone whose ultimate aim in life is anything else. What is your aim in life?  In the West, we have created a cultural milieu where you can be a Christian but not truly an apprentice of Jesus.  Following Jesus is seen as optional. It's lip service only.  Tragically, this has created a two-tier church, where a large swath of people who believe in God and even regularly attend church have NOT re-architected their daily lives on the foundation of apprenticeship to Jesus. 

Judas had not re-architected his life from the inside out as an apprentice of Jesus. He was more concerned about political issues and how Jesus might be able to help and change things to his personal satisfaction. It was not about sin, grace and personal relationship, but more about Israel and politics. Judas wanted Jesus to do what Judas wanted.

INVITATION: What is Jesus to you? Are you an apprentice of Jesus or is following him optional in your life? Do you architect your life around Him? Are you really that different from Judas? Join in this week as we explore how Judas is surrounded by all things Jesus, but was not changed from the inside out.

MONDAY: John 6:60-64: Jesus knew the heart of Judas and he knows your heart. What do you feel inclined to pray about today regarding the state of your heart? Only God can change a heart. Proverbs 21:1 states: "The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD; he guides it wherever he pleases." He can move King's hearts and he can move your heart.

TUESDAY:  Luke 22:3-6:  Judas gave Jesus over to the very ones who were supposed to know God the best - the religious leaders.  Who is in your life right now that seems to know Jesus and have a deep, meaningful relationship with Him?  It may not be within your church community. These religious leaders were "delighted" that Judas was handing over Jesus.  As you think about the "religious leaders" in your life, are there any that cause a catch in your spirit?  How might you pray about that?  Jesus was not doing what either the zealots (Judas) or the priests wanted, so they were angry and took things into their own hands.  Do you sometimes want Jesus around only to do what YOU want him to do?  How might you pray about that today? 

WEDNESDAY: Matthew 27:3-5: Judas had remorse for what he had done. Have you ever experienced remorse AFTER an action/decision you have made? As you think about that, what spiritual practices might have been in place in your life to prevent the action from occurring in the first place? Is there an invitation in this to draw closer to the heart of Jesus in your daily life and practices?

THURSDAY: John 12:1-3: When we have great grace, it produces great gratitude, such as the gratitude expressed by Mary in these verses. Contrast Judas' attitude of having his own agenda for Jesus and the inability to know/perceive the grace offered by Jesus. Spend some time today looking back at the last week or month and the grace you have experienced in your life. Does it produce gratitude in your heart? How might you express that to God today?

FRIDAY:  John 12:4-6:  Money is a sign of where our heart is. Judas' attitude was basically that he did not need much grace because "Jesus is lucky to have me on the team."  What is your heart stance about wealth and money? 

SATURDAY:  John 13:1-5:  Jesus washed the feet of the man he knew was going to deny him. You and I have people in our life who have betrayed us and done us wrong.  How is your heart toward them right now? Do you need to forgive?   Do you blame other people for your problems and maybe even your faith issues?  None of the other disciples quit following Jesus because of what Judas did, yet in our culture people cease following Jesus or going to church because of the actions of other people. Keep following Jesus because of who JESUS is.  How might you keep your eyes "firmly fixed" on Jesus today?