Two Women

Jesus meets people right where they are. Including the hard, sad places. Not only does he meet us in these tough places, He extends grace, mercy and compassion.

This week we look at two encounters from the book of John. They both happen to involve women, but we are all sinners and any of us could place ourselves in these or similar situations. In fact, you are invited this week to try inserting yourself in these stories. Where are you standing? Who are you? What are you feeling, thinking and doing during the scene?

INVITATION: Jesus didn't play by the rules of the religious leaders. How would you like Him to break rules for your freedom this week? What rules or assumptions might be keeping you entangled in sin?

MONDAY: John 4:5-10: Jesus breaks sex barriers and culture barriers by talking with and being kind to this woman. He saw a person made in the image of God. Jesus also chooses to break down barriers WE create between people. He not only breaks barriers but also reaches out his hand. Who in your life might you need to see as someone created in the image of God?

TUESDAY: John 4:15-18: The woman asked for water. Jesus was kind and not condemning, but yet acknowledged her sin. He knew she was not living the way that would bring her life and freedom. She was living in sin. He wanted to make her whole. God breaks down walls and builds bridges, but that does not mean we can continue in our sins. Jesus wants to give you His holiness and righteousness. He cannot look the other way and ignore sin. Are you ignoring the small voice of the Holy Spirit in your life? Could the Holy Spirit be convicting you and calling you into more holiness and righteousness? Jesus isn't about guilt and shame, but about freedom. Pastor Adam shared a quote by Paul David Tripp: "Don't ever let your heart make room for what Jesus died to defeat".

WEDNESDAY: John 4: 28-30 & 39: The woman ran into the village, where everyone knew her reputation, and shared what Jesus did and what Jesus had told her. This was a brutally honest and vulnerable thing for this woman to do. Her brave sharing ended up drawing others to Christ. In fact, the entire village was changed. Jesus can use anyone who is available. How available are you to Jesus?

THURSDAY: John 8:1-11: Pastor Adam describes this as a "livecast moment" where people would have pulled out their cell phones to get all the action recorded. We look at some sins as detestable. Especially those of other people. We look at our own sins only as "struggles." Jesus turns the tables on these religious leaders. It's hard to admit our own sins. The only one who could condemn this woman wasnJesus, yet He gave her grace. We like to stop here in our own stories. The part where Jesus gives grace. However, Jesus told her to "go and sin no more." We are saved by the grace of Jesus Christ, yet out of love He calls us to take a step forward in how we live. Are you willing to pray about how God may want you to step forward in freedom? What sin do you need to leave behind as you move forward? Jesus has more for you and I than what we are living right now. God has a purpose for you and it does not involve living entangled in sin. He can use your story - not matter what is involved in your story.

FRIDAY: As you ponder this week's scriptures, do you identify with one of these women, or are you one of the religious leaders? Are there rocks in your hands you need to drop? The same grace given in these scriptures is available to you and to me.