
Last week we looked at Judas. We noticed how in many ways we aren't so much different than he was, even though we all love to despise Judas. This week we look at another disciple:  Peter. 

We will compare and contrast what happened to Judas when trouble and trauma came his way vs. how Peter handled things.

Peter wanted to follow Jesus from the bottom of his heart.  Judas wanted to follow Jesus, but on his own terms and for his own, personal and political reasons. What are your deep down motives for following Jesus?

Pastor Adam pointed out that the goal on this earthly journey is not just getting into heaven. It is to experience ALL that God has for us in the here and now...."on earth as it is in heaven."  According to Jeremiah 29:11, God's plans for us are indeed for our own good:  "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

A few things about Peter as we get started:  1) He was a main leader of the early church; 2) He wrote I and II Peter; 3) Peter is known for being outspoken and bold; 4) Peter was killed for his faith.  Church history tells us he was crucified upside down because he did not feel himself worthy to be crucified in the same manner as Jesus was.

INVITATION:  Join in as we dig into Peter and his reaction when failure, stress and trauma came into his life.  We ALL have these things come into our lives at various times. How do you handle it?  On your own, or with Jesus by your side? Are you actively involved in strengthening your "spiritual muscles" during your earthly journey? Is that even a priority in your life?

MONDAY:  John 13:36-38:  Peter boldly told Jesus he was ready to die for him.  We all have good intentions, but sometimes life situations come along that make good intentions go out the window. It is said "Habits eat good intentions for lunch."  What habits and practices do you have in place to grow in and strengthen your faith? 

TUESDAY:  Luke 22:54-60:  Peter was likely offended and had his feelings hurt when Jesus told him he would deny him.  After all, Peter had just boldly stated he would die for Jesus!  Peter had a willing heart, but didn't have the discipline to follow through when it became difficult.  "The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" Matthew 26 tells us.  Are you willing to pray today, asking God where your flesh might be weak?  Is there a specific invitation to God regarding this?

WEDNESDAY:  John 12:12-36: Palm Sunday (which was celebrated on today's date), the crowds were acknowledging Jesus as Messiah.  Just days later, the same people were yelling "crucify him! Crucify him!"  What happens to your good intentions when stress and trauma and hard times come into the picture? Have you ever imagined a scenario where you might be tempted to deny Christ?

THURSDAY: Luke 9:23-25 & I Cor. 9:24-27:  "The Spirit is strong but the flesh is weak" is our story too. It is the human condition.  It is WHY we need a savior.  Adam pointed out that self preservation in the presence of trauma and stress is a very real thing.  Are you focused more on gaining the world or on growing your soul?  What type of training program are you in regarding strengthening your spiritual life?  Trying harder does not work. Training does.  Is there an invitation for you this week regarding your training program?

FRIDAY:  John 21:1-3 In addition to self preservation being very real, so is our inclination to move backwards after failure.  Peter had left his fishing career when he followed Jesus. Yet he went back to what he knew after his failure.  Are any failures holding you back from moving forward with Christ? 

SATURDAY:  John 21:4-13:  Jesus restores every failure.  All three denials. He makes beauty from ashes.  What failure do you want to place into His hands today and ask for restoration?  Jesus stands at the shore of your life inviting you into restoration.  Will you respond?