What's Next?

Stephen shared a story about how he loves the German language and once landed the lead role in a play that was all in that language.  German was not his first language so it was a lot of time, effort and blood, sweat and tears. It never was far from his mind. He felt like he ate, drank and slept this play. Then, the play was over. There was a gap. He felt disoriented and wondered "what's next?"  People who go on mission trips or into the mission field and care givers often experience a similar experience:  Now that the intense season of focus is over, what's next? 

The disciples likely felt this after Jesus was executed. They had given their time, energy, emotion and much more to following Jesus. Then he was killed.  What's next now that our structure and framework is gone? 

INVITATION:  What is next for you and me? It is easy to hear the "Easter story" again and again, and then rapidly move on with our lives.  But do you REALLY believe Jesus was the son of God and rose from the dead? Do you not just say it but believe it with every fiber of your being?  If so, then, what is next for you since it is truth that Jesus died for your sins and mine, and then rose from the dead.  Now what?  What's next?

MONDAY:  Luke 5:2-10:  A thread this week will be how God speaks in a language we understand.  Simon's language was fish.  How has God spoken to you in a personal way this week?  How did God speak to you when he first called you to follow him?

TUESDAY:  Luke 5:11: The disciples "left everything" to follow Jesus. Are you willing to give some time and prayer to consider whether God might be calling you to leave something behind?  Perhaps it's not "everything" but just a little something or other. A job? A habit? A location?  Maybe even a person?

WEDNESDAY:  Stephen laid out a 12 day timeline from 30 AD when everything changed.  Not just for the disciples but for the world.  For eternity.  The disciples did not know at the time what was going on or what was coming. Then, in one day's time, Jesus was arrested, there were two trials, he was crucified and died.  A lot can happen in one day.  What is the call on your life for today?  All we have is one day at a time.  What are you going to do with Jesus TODAY? 

THURSDAY:  John 20:24-28:  After the resurrection Jesus appears to the women first, and later to the disciples.  All except for one--Thomas. He likely had an "I'm done with all this since he's dead" attitude.  He didn't believe what the other disciples were telling him. He was likely exhausted, disillusioned and discouraged. Have you ever felt that way?  Note how Jesus spoke the language Thomas needed.  Do you think to go to Jesus when you are doubting, tired and discouraged?  How has he spoken your language during those times?  Sometimes it's helpful to recall the past to encourage your faith for today. 

FRIDAY:  John 20:29:  What about you?  Do you believe?  Do you REALLY believe? If so, how will you act on that faith in a tangible way TODAY? 

SATURDAY:  Revelation 3:20:  God is speaking your language today.  What's next for you regarding the call of Jesus on your life?  If you really believe, what will you say and do?