Recommendations from Stephen Eckert

Some references for the relationship between science and faith:

Books by John C. Lennox (Science and Faith)

God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?

Lots of great detail about a wide variety of scientific topics. Highly recommend. 

Can Science Explain Everything?

A kind of Cliff’s Notes version of God’s Undertaker. Some material repeats. 

7 Days that Changed the World

Explores the creation account in Genesis.

Books on World Views and their Implications

Making Sense of God, Timothy Keller
I really like Keller’s books, this is a good one about various world views.

The Universe Next Door, James Sire
More details on some more recent world views, it is an interesting overview.

Book on Miracles

Miracles, Eric Metaxas
Interesting book, especially on the fine tuning of the planet and the universe to accommodate life. Metaxas talks gives accounts of some events that I would not describe as miracles per se, but could be an example of God intervening through natural means. Please note: in recent years, Metaxas has become quite involved in US politics, and I’m certain that some of his politics will be off putting for some readers. These politics do not appear to enter this particular book and to me don’t invalidate the information, but I have become less comfortable with him as an author in recent years and haven’t read any of his work recently.